Freedom Fighter

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Twitch and Scummy "I Need Pills"
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Chris Ackerman
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Gary The Rat
Me Takin Hits

Yo whats up these are the Archives where all old updates and contacts that have been posted in the past are putt when the are taken off the homepage so if you missed anything it's probably here so go and look for it....

Finished updating the FMX links page so go and check it out I added links to get the pics from the 2005 Gravity games and also pics from the first two stops of the Dew Action sports tour so go and check them out. Peace !!!!!!! TWITCH

whats up it is now august 3rd so I figured I should get back to work on this site because I havent been working on it for a while. Bussy Between FMX Competitions and hangin out. but we are back up and running on the old system and it is working fine unlike the other system but me and a few friends are starting to work on the archives and we are going to be updating them in a few days so whatever is here on the homepage now will be cleared and added into the archives so if you missed anything check there for it..... Peace !!!!!!! TWITCH

Yo Whats up it is now august 2nd at 4:30 in the morningso I am still looking for more FMX Links so just start checking out the ones that are there and I will keep adding more on as I find them.... TWITCH

started updating FMX links page this is an update as of 10:29 PM on monday July 11th

Yo Whats up Finished updating the page dedicated to Chris Ackerman and I am moving on to the other pages in the site that need to be updated this is an update as of July 10th at 9:00 PM

Whats up as you can see the home page is finaly finished being updated and I will start working on the other pages in the site as well so just look for the under construction symbol and that means that I am currently working on that page I will try to finish a page per every two to three days so just hang in there and I will add a post to the homepage every time a page in the site has been updated so just hang in there and lets hope for the best that I will finish this before the end of the month... Thanks and Peace ...... TWITCH

Yo whats up, We are back to the old designe that the site started with because the other system that I was working with was just too complicated and I had a hard time figuring it out so we are back on line now an I will be updating as much of the site as I can before people start gettin on my nerves and botherin me so we are back on line!!!!!! TWITCH

Yo I have began updating for july it is noy july 4th and Me and my buds are still trying to get the new update for the site to work so just bear with us for a while and as soon as we figure out a way to make the new site work we will upload it but we are still trying to figure out where to pute the different links and all that so, just checkin in cause I know its been a while for all the true hardcore fans bear with us, Thanks TWITCH  

Yo whats up I have finaly been able to update, sorry for the long wait but I have been bussy with Freestyle Motocross and also King klick go and check it out Im on it almost every day so. theres pretty much that. I also am not going to be attending summer school so thats good I have a chance to do some work for the kottonmouth kings to get some king klick points ya know, stuff like that so check ya all out later

Yo all of you whats up, I have a link for you to check out below thats prety much it for now so go and check out the link and I will be adding more as soon as I can.......

Yo Whats up, as ya can see I have started working on the homepage getting it ready for next month. the update is being started late because I was realy sick, but hopefully we will be back on track soon. if the update is not finished untill the early part of next month sorry, Yo keep checkin back cause I am constantly changing the site almost every day we are workin on it so keep checkin back from time to time to see whats going on...... TWITCH..........

Yo EVerybody whats up, The new archives page is up and running thanks to some help from my buds but everything that was going onto that page from when the site was started was lost somehow and we arent going to spend our time looking for it so we will start from the last update and everything since then will be posted onto the Archives.... Yo check out the new pic that I posted for a few days while the site is under construction. This is for SRh and I am Thinking of adding it to the site permanantly on a different page so Let me know what you think....

Yo Whats up I have changed the site around a little bit as you can see I removed alot of the old messages from last update till now which I do at every update so the site looks clean, I am Thinking of making an archive for all of the old messages that I have posted so if you want to read them you can I will try to pute everything from the start of the site so hang in there because this is going to take a while but I will give one of my friends everything and he will also be helping me to putt things on this site so check out the site after we realy start working on it and give us some time we are only Human and can only do so much in a day before we are wiped out so bear with us... TWITCH 

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