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Yo This page is Dedicated to Chris Ackerman !!!!!!
Read about his progress below the poster


YO check Out THe FMX links to find a link to where you can make donations to help chris or go to Metal Mulisha and buy a T-shirt to support Chris.....
What Happened to Chris

March 17, 2003

Chris rode his motorcycle off a blind dune on this day at Dumont Dunes. He landed sitting on his bike but when his friends took his helmet off they knew that he was critically injured as his breathing had stopped. They started CPR immediately, utilizing a sharpie Kirk Bender had in his camera bag to pry his teeth apart as Mark Bradford, Brian Farrell and Mike Harris worked to get air in. They used a film canister to hold Chris' teeth apart while Dane Herron did compressions. Erik Volke came with an EMT kit, which he used successfully.


Everyone took turns carrying out specific tasks. For a time Kirk Bender did the breathing while Cinq took his pulse. Deegan held his head back in order to open his airway and Dane held his feet up above his heart. Erik kept watch while all the other guys gave encouragement and shaded Chris with their shirts. The intesity of the scene was shown in the prayers going on around him.


All of these men kept Chris alive. They gave it all they had for over an hour before the paramedics arrived. The paramedicas then transported him out of the canyon and on to a waiting military helicopter. Everything they did to help Chris had been exactly right and without their immediate attention Chris would not be with us today.


Loma Linda University Hospital.

Once Chris, unconcious, had arrived at the hospital, many severe injuries were discovered. He had a separated shoulder, an arm which was broken in 3 places, a broken pelvis, internal injuries, and a C-2 fracture (broken neck).


Loma Linda is a no nonsense hospital. They don't candy-coated information and they certainly didn’t give Chris’ family reason to hope. For days he was unconscious and on life support.


He was in the most intense of the intense wards. He had pneumonia, fevers, and infections throughout his body. His friends and family held vigils in the hall and waiting areas. Family refused to leave, they were allowed only 10 minutes every hour to see Chris and those were cherished minutes.


Friends fought security to stay even though they were not allowed to visit. They repeatedly insisted that Chris could feel their positive love while they sat on the floor in the hall. Bare-knuckle fighters stood in the hall, screaming through the doors for Chris to get better, and told him that he is greatly loved. Little by little, he improved.


Still the doctors held back their hope. He woke up. His brain was 100% functioning. He was put on prayer lists all over the country. He got better. He could drink. He could eat a little. He just kept getting better. He celebrated his 22nd birthday with the nursing staff sneaking in his friends. The friends had taken a hospital gown and had it silk-screened with Etnies & Metal Mulisha logos and they had all signed it.


May 2

Chris was moved by ambulance to Kaiser Medical Center in Anaheim Hills. During the transfer an overzealous ambulance nurse overdosed Chris with Morphine and other drugs and as soon as he got to Kaiser his heart stopped. Another life threatening situation, but once again he got better. His friends were allowed to go into the ICU to visit.


May 13

On this day, Chris was moved to New Orange Hills. It is a sub-acute facility that specializes in getting patients off the ventilator. Chris likes it at New Orange Hills because his friends can visit plus Matt can bring Thunder (Chris' dog) and Shean can bring Lou.


Chris recieves physical therapy every day. He is able to sit in a wheel chair and go outside. He is working to get off the ventilator and has made tremendous progress.


July 12

Chris has had a serious set back. He was moved to Chapman hospital and then to Kaiser in Anaheim Hills where he spent a few days in the ICU. Despite Chris' health at the time, other patients in the hospital spent many hours in his room because they found an abundance of positive energy from Chris.


August 13

Chris was loaned a special wheelchair that is operated by his chin.  Since he received the chair, he has been terrorizing the halls and patients at New Orange Hills and will continue to do so whenever possible. Last Sunday hospital staff had to bring in a portable x-ray machine to x-ray Chris’ foot, an injury resulting from the chair vs. the wall.  Chris thought it was hilarious. He absolutely loves going outside in the wheelchair, this after spending nearly 5 months in bed. Currently Chris’ days consist of respiratory therapy, physical therapy, massage therapy, and acupuncture. He is currently working to get off the ventilator and once accomplished he will begin his next phase of rehabilitation at Project Walk, an intensive program specifically designed for spinal cord injuries. Chris has an upbeat attitude as well as a strong determination to beat the odds once again.


August 17

Chris went to the X-Games today, despite a battle with pneumonia. He was accompanied by a nurse and a respiratory therapist, there was no way he was going to miss this opportunity.

Brian Deegan won the gold in the Motocross events and when accepting the win, he dedicated it to Chris. It was a truly emotional and uplifting experience.  ESPN did a live interview with Chris, which will air tonight. He is on cloud nine.



Jessica Peralta of the Sun Post News in San Clemente wrote a very moving article about Chris. It described his life growing up in San Clemente and his wonderful attitude about his recovery.  After the article ran John and Vickie Smith, owners of Baker Square Union 76 in San Clemente, called the family and offered Chris a 1981 Economy Van already equipped with a recon lift.  It is attractive and runs great.  John even went the extra mile of having it smogged before turning it over to Chris.  Chris and his family are very grateful.



October saw Tom Heffron coming to the hospital daily and spending many, many hours designing and building the tank costume Chris wore on Halloween.  Check out the picture in the photo section for a laugh.


Chris has a medical condition that prevents him from getting out of bed right now so Halloween was even better because he was able to get up for a few hours.  He has not been able to enjoy the wheel chair since then.  Days consist of physical therapy, massage therapy and occupational therapy.  Friends come by New Orange Hills and Matt brings Thunder often.


November 20

Jessica Peralta will have an article about Chris in the Sun Post News.  This is the local San Clemente newspaper.


November 22

There will be a fundraiser on at Goody's Tavern in San Clemente from 4 pm to 2 am. The address is 206 S. ElCamino Real.  The fun will start early with 50 cents from every drink, the $5.00 cover charge and the proceeds of an incredible raffle all going to the Chris Ackerman Trust fund.  So many local businesses have donated goods or services for the raffle it should be great.  Prizes include a Television, surfboards, gift certificates and more.  Willy Naylor Band plus the Chicken Coop Casanovas plus several solo guitar players have donated their time and will play most of the day (bar opens at 8:00 am that day).


Thank you to Sally Daniels and Will and Lori Heckencamp for making this happen.  You are truly good people. If you have questions Goody's phone number is 949-492-3400.


February 2004

After several bouts with pneumonia and other problems, Chris is once again doing well.  He is able to go off the ventilator for 4-5 minutes per day now.  He has been working on lifting his back off the bed and has learned how to work with the spasms that are common for spinal cord patients. In February he has been on a few outings. He, Matt Chapman, Henry Janneck, his dad, and friends from New Orange Hills were able to go to a Ducks hockey game; however, the high point came when he went to Supercross and watched his friends Tyler Evans ride and Chad Reed win. Once again Matt Chapman, Henry Janneck, his dad, and special friends from New Orange Hills were all there. Chris says Thunder is now 70 pounds and visits often.  Chris believes Thunder borrows Matt’s truck to come visit, knowing that Chris keeps dog biscuits in his room. A green parakeet named Crash is now Chris’ new roommate.  Chris says Crash is not very bright but he enjoys watching him just the same.  So now in addition to dog goodies, there are bird treats in the room as well.



March is bringing more exciting news. 

Chris has purchased a handicap-equipped van that will allow him to get out more and go further distances.  He is especially looking forward to going to the Metal Mulisha office as soon as the Van arrives. Chris continues to receive emails from all over the world.  He is grateful for all of his friends that send messages and come to visit but also for all of those people he has never met that are sending kind, encouraging, and even funny notes. Chris’ days are very busy now with all of the exercises, treatments, and medical people that come and go but when he has time, he is working on the “thank you” list. He must also allow time to spend laughing and arguing with Henry Janneck who comes to visit almost daily and has become a special friend to many patients at the hospital.  Well honestly Henry……………..

Chris left on March 29, 2004 to go to Beijing, China to have the OEG treatment by Dr. Huang.  Chris’ surgery will take place on May 14th. He will be in Beijing for approximately one month and then will return to New Orange Hills Hospital. You will be able to follow his trip and his time there as we will be updating this website.
There will be a prayer night on May 4th at 7:00 pm at the the Calvary Chapel in San Juan Capistrano.  It will be a candlelight service for Chris.  Everyone will hold and light a candle at the same time in honor of Chris's surgery.  There will be prayer, discussions and song.  There will also be light food and beverage.  They are asking for an RSVP to plan the food.  Any questions please contact Christine Huffer at 949-500-4470.  The focus is on Chris with all of the thoughts and prayers.
May 4
To Everyone I Miss So Much!

Subject: Greetings from China!


I MADE IT, CAN YOU BELIEVE I’M IN CHINA! United Airlines was the best, they treated me so good. I had no problems everything went perfect. One of my Chinese doctors and his wife met me at the airport with ambulance to transport me to my 1/2 Star     

Hospital. And I do mean 1/2 star out of 5 star. This place is ghetto. We are lucky enough

To have a newly renovated room. Were told by other American patients that these rooms used to be storage rooms.  The nurses and doctors are so great and they make everything okay. The nurses love me already, I flirt with them ALL! They just stand at my bedside and smile and laugh and rub my legs and tattoos. The date of my surgery has been postponed to May 14, which really sucks cause the fear keeps building. But I know I have nothing to fear I have god on my side and I have a great good luck charm.  I just want it over with. I am so home sick. I’ve been through so many “Chinese Fire Drills” it is comical, Chinese people are so funny. I keep saying to my nurses “What’s up Dawg”, The next morning the nurse brought me a present a brass dog. They next day more presents too!  It is very hard for me to email, so if you email me I might not see it until I get back. I will try to keep you all updated.




May 21

Surgery was this morning.  We arrived at the hospital at 6:30.  Chris was in great spirits and ready to go.  China Television was there shortly after 7 am and filmed from that time until we were allowed to see Chris at 4:00 PM. They were allowed into the surgery suite and filmed everything. Everyone is very interested in the procedure and Dr Haung. For those of you that don't know, the surgery was 3 fold.  First they decompressed his spine in the injury area then injected cells into that area then drilled 2 holes in the top of his head and injected cells into those areas as well. Chris is uncomfortable (as anyone would be following surgery) and cranky as hell but his stats are really good and he is already breathing easier.  He is also sweating for the first time in 14 months, which is a very good indicator that the surgery worked. Yesterday the doctors told him when he wakes up they will be asking him questions like can you open your eyes, now your mouth, stick out your tongue so as soon as he came to he stuck his tongue out at the doctors.  They thought it was very funny.  Immediately after putting him in his room Dr Haung told him to move his foot.  We didn't think he was even wake but you could see very slight movement on the side.  The doctors were pleased.  They had been with him off and on until we left just a few minutes ago.  His favorite doctor is staying at the hospital in a room two doors down for the night. We are being treated like royalty.  They moved 4 patients out of their room so that Chris could have the entire room with all the emergency equipment next door to Dr. Lui and across from the nurse’s station.
About all Chris is saying right now is "Shumin will you please sit down and
leave me alone".  She does neither. We are all thrilled with the results.  We believe the seeds of a miracle have been planted. We would like to thank each one of you for your help in making this happen. Without you it would not have.


May 24

Chris is doing great.  He is having the spinal headaches that often come with any spinal surgery (not to mention brain surgery) but the doctors are all over it.  Had another tough day today but I think he has turned the corner.  He slept most of today and we had to keep it really quiet because the noises made his head throb but tonight he seemed better.  Did I mention that they are building a huge addition on the hospital? The trucks work night and day and all day there is are jackhammers going.  Not sure why but today they were pretty quiet. Dr Haung came into the room tonight and took him off the vent for one minute. Doesn't seem like much but to see him draw in breaths was pretty exciting.  They took him off the vent at new orange hills but held the oxygen tube next to the trech and his chest did not go up and down like it did today.  Not sure what that means but..........  His feeling level has moved from his shoulders down to the nipple area.  That is a big improvement. The hospital does not have air conditioning and it was near the temperature of hell today but we made it through.  The nurses and I freeze bottles of water and put them on Chris.  He says it helps the headaches and cools him off.  Bad timing on te sweating thing.


May 27

Chris is doing better.  After several days of spinal headaches he seems to be getting better.  We did exactly what the doctors said and used their meager pain medicine but yesterday we had a board meeting with just Larry and I and decided to break out the American drugs.  I believe if Chris is not having less pain, he is having a hell of a lot more fun with it.  The American pain medicines can kick the ass of the Chinese drugs.  They are wonderful caring and compassionate doctors but they just don't believe in narcotics as medicine. Even with the terrible headaches (if you have ever had a pain that absolutely blinded you and brought you to your knees - this is worse) we can see progress.  Dr. Haung does very simple tests every day and we can see what is happening.  The sensation of pressure has gone from his shoulders to his breast area and yesterday was about 3" lower to the midriff area.  That
would be about the location of my roll number 2. I told him to start marking on Chris with a pen to show the different area for that day and he did.  He has been very sad about the headaches.  I believe he feels Chris will be his "star" and he is disappointed that Chris is one of the few that gets the headaches.  He gave Chris three times as much "pixie dust" as normal and did two surgeries.  He told us he believes because of the location of the injury that the surgeries he did will bring more results.  Each patient is evaluated individually and a procedure is designed for that patient.  Chris volunteered to go to Long Beach when Dr. Haung is lecturing there next time and Dr. Haung said he would like that but only if Chris would walk onto the stage.  Tells you what he is expecting.  Chris said he has been waiting a week (since the surgery) and why isn't he walking yet. They test his hands daily. Apparently the first sign of recovery is in the pinkie finger. Yesterday when he tested Chris was able to move the pinkie. Just a hair and you better watch closely but he did it several times and even Chris saw it. Dr. Haung was pleased and I think Chris was also. The other patients that had surgery Monday are up and about in chairs.  The speed of each ones progress seems to be based on the severity of the surgery or surgeries as in Chris's case. They also mentioned that they get something back, like a finger moving, then can't do it again for several days. It is so noisy here. There are 11 million people in the Beijing area, 7
million inside the city. 1,000,000 cars, 70,000 tiny little taxi’s and god only knows how many bicycles.  Everything that comes with a wheel comes with a horn and they honk them constantly.  Pedestrians have no rights what so ever and you just would not believe the way they drive.  Stoplights seem to be suggestions that you can choose, or not choose, to obey.  The hospital has several huge additions being built right now and although they do work all day they also work all night.  The huge dump trucks are not allowed on the city streets during the day so they do that part (jackhammers and all) at night.  Yesterday Shumin went outside twice and yelled at people for being to noisy right outside our window.  They were throwing bricks into a truck.  One guy honked for 5 minutes and Chris opened his eyes and said, "I wish my dad was here.  That guy would be in trouble" The TV people were here again yesterday.  They filmed Chris and Dr. Haung. Chris was in pain but that does not matter to them.  We also have a reporter from Knight Ridder calling wanting an interview.


June 5

It looks like the worst is over,Chris has hopefully had his last lumbar puncture. Last night he was able to sleep most of the night and his headaches have subsided. Now that that is behind us we are just trying to get him strong enough for the flight home. Everyone is very home sick as you can well imagine after so many weeks in China. Margi will fly to Los Angeles on the tenth, Chris and his nurse along with myself and his dad are scheduled to depart China on the eighteenth. He got some early improvements which are fairly typical of the procedure. He is now able to perspire over his entire body, the doctors are very pleased, feeling that it is a good sign for greater recovery. He has regained a slight since of touch down to his lower chest and his biceps. He was able to move his left arm a few centimeters, and with acupressure he was able to move his left fingers ever so slightly. He is now able to occasionally move his left toes. His right lower leg and foot have improved and are no longer cold to the touch. His breathing has been very week due to his weekend condition, there have been numerous occasions where I have had to supplement his ventilator with oxygen. When he arrived in China he was unable to breath on his own for longer than one minute. While at New Orange he could due four minutes if oxygen was administered to his trech. He is now able to noticeably move his chest when he inhales. Now that he is a little stronger we will start vent weaning again. China tv filmed the entire seven hour operation and will come back to check on Chris's improvements before we leave. The Doctors took a special interest in Chris and he is the first spinal patient to receive the brain injections. The ALS patients receive the brain injections and it helps with their breathing. Chris also received over three million cells where the chinese patients receive less than one million. Chris told the Doctors that he wanted to not only to walk but be able to fly. I am sorry that we have not been able to keep everyone more informed. We do want to thank everyone for your support and helping make this possible. The best is yet to come.


June 12

Things are a little different. Chris Is now with me at the Hotel. This is the first time that he has been out of a hospital in 15 months. Fortunately, with Shumin, his nurse, we seem to be able to weather the daily crisis. Yesterday we went to the dining room and Chris was able to eat a steak. He got a massage last night and slept quite well. We are staying at a five star hotel and thanks to Deiter and Liza Hissin we're only paying for a one star. THANKS GUYS!!!!!!!!

Currently we're in a heat wave that's in the 100s, the hospital won't waste money on the air conditioning until it gets hot. I am thinking Hell might be nice this time of year or maybe Mojave in a canvas tent. The nurses brought 100 lb blocks of ice to put in front of our fans, which promptly melted and flooded our rooms. Oh did I forget to mention the spider web of 220 volt wires laying across the floor and under the bed. China is just sooo interesting. Chris was unable to eat or sleep for several days due to the heat. Because of his weakend condition I believe he has been unable to progress and has temporially lost some of his earlier gains. Not to worry. This seems to be fairly common with spinal cord injuries. Currently we're just concentrating on strengthing him for the long ride home. If he was strong enough I believe he would swim home. He might be a little tired of China.


June 28

Hey everyone,


I'm back.It was'nt a easy trip,but it was definately worth it.I got the cell's and that is all that matter's.They tell me 2-18 months is when I start to see movement and great results.My goal for now is to get off the venilator and get my arm's to begin working. But what I have to say is I couldnt do it without all you guy's supporting me.You do not know how much I appreciate it.I do need to take this time to thank a few select people; Brian Deegan for being such a true friend and doing everything he can to help me on this long road to recovery, Jesse James for allowing Brian to auction off the first bike that he built for Brian to help raise money for me, Piere at Etnies for purchasing the bike, Scott and Lora Beth for everything they've done and last but not least Kevin Brewer for raising money for me through the iron man competition's. In the mean time I will still be at New Orange Hill's working on getting off the venilator. And then I will move on to a acute rehab.Thanks again for all your support!



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